Write for us

Who We Are Looking For

At Affiladept, we are always on the lookout for voices that ring with passion and expertise. We seek writers who can offer unique perspectives, valuable insights, and thorough analysis in the realms of health, lifestyle, fashion, and home styling. Whether you’re a seasoned expert, a professional in the field, or an enthusiast with a deep appreciation for our niche areas, we would love to hear from you. Your content could guide our readers through their purchase journey, inform their health choices, inspire lifestyle improvements, or enhance their understanding of style.

Content We Publish

Our platform is open to a range of content that resonates with our ethost-\”We write about it.\” Here is what we typically look for:

  • Detailed product reviews that offer honest, unbiased perspectives alongside thorough research.
  • Comprehensive guides that navigate our audience through various aspects of our niches-be it step-by-step product selection or lifestyle tips.
  • Articles that tap into the latest fashion trends, offering actionable advice and styling solutions.
  • Content that covers health and wellbeing, providing well-researched recommendations and preventative care tips.
  • Insightful pieces on home styling, including DIY projects, decor advice, and product recommendations.

Submission Guidelines

To maintain the quality of our content, we have set the following standards and requirements for submissions:

  • Originality: All articles must be 100% original and unpublished elsewhere. We use plagiarism detectors to ensure the exclusivity of the content on our platform.
  • Length: We prefer articles that are between 800 to 1500 words, allowing for depth without overwhelming the reader.
  • Voice and Tone: Adopt a conversational yet informative tone that aligns with our accessible and friendly brand voice.
  • Formatting: Use subheadings, bullet points, and numbered lists to improve readability. Each article should have an introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Credibility: Back up your claims with data and sources where applicable. We value content that builds trust with our readers.
  • SEO: While we want your voice to shine, consider basic SEO principles to help your content reach a wider audience.

Review Process

Once you submit your article to info@affiladept.com, it enters our review queue. Here’s what happens next:

  1. Initial Screening: We’ll check for alignment with our themes and basic submission guidelines.
  2. Content Review: If selected, our editors will review your article for quality, relevance, and originality.
  3. Feedback: We’ll provide constructive feedback and may request revisions to ensure the piece meets our high standards.
  4. Approval and Publishing: Once your article passes the review phase, we’ll schedule it for publication.

Please note that due to the volume of submissions, the review process can take up to 2 weeks.

Benefits of Writing for Us

Writing for Affiladept offers several benefits:

  • Exposure: Your work will be showcased to our dedicated and growing reader base.
  • Credibility: Enhance your reputation as an expert in your respective field.
  • Community: Join a community of like-minded individuals passionate about health, lifestyle, fashion, and home styling.
  • Compensation: We offer competitive compensation for exceptional and high-performing content.

If you have an article that you believe will captivate our audience, kindle inspiration, and adhere to the standards we cherish, we encourage you to reach out. We are excited to possibly feature your expertise and insights on our platform. Join our contributor community and reach thousands of readers who share your passion.

For submissions and queries, please contact us at info@affiladept.com.